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    IDFC Ek Prayaas Program

    Ek Prayas: Empowering Early Intervention for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Partnership with IDFC First Bank


    Ek Prayas, a pioneering initiative co-created by Sarthak Educational Trust as the Technical Support Agency and IDFC First Bank, is designed to empower children with autism and intellectual disabilities through innovative training methodologies. By focusing on capacity building and monitoring, this project aims to enhance the capabilities of rural NGO partners in Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi to deliver effective early intervention services. This project is vital in shaping a better future for children with developmental disabilities, ensuring they receive the support and care they need during their crucial early years.

    Program Aim:

    The primary aim of the Ek Prayas program is to build the capacity of rural NGOs identified by IDFC First Bank, enabling them to provide high-quality early intervention services for children aged 2 to 10 years. By offering structured training and resources, the program ensures that these NGOs can identify developmental challenges early and intervene effectively, leading to better long-term outcomes for the children they serve.


    • •   Capacitate on-field NGOs in early intervention techniques.
    • •   Provide comprehensive training for teachers on early childhood education and developmental disabilities.
    • •   Educate rural NGOs on identifying children with developmental challenges.
    • •   Establish sustainable Early Intervention Centers (Incubation Centers) within NGOs.
    • •   Offer Organizational Development (OD) training tailored to the specific needs of the participating NGOs.

    Geographic Focus:

    The program is being implemented across Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi, targeting children in rural areas who are most in need of early intervention services. Sarthak will work closely with NGOs in these regions to set up and support Incubation Centers, ensuring their sustainability beyond the project period.

    Scope of Work:

    As the Technical Support Agency, Sarthak Educational Trust is responsible for integrating data from partner NGOs into a centralized Management Information System (MIS), conducting regular capacity-building workshops, and providing continuous technical support. Sarthak will also focus on training teachers and special educators, creating master trainers, and ensuring the sustainable development of Early Intervention Centers.

    Key Activities:

    • •  Field Visits: Initial assessments of NGO facilities and current activities were conducted to identify gaps and provide solutions.
    • •   Assessments: Detailed assessments of current beneficiaries were carried out by the Sarthak EI Team across various disabilities, ensuring targeted interventions.
    • •   Workshops: A 5-day workshop was organized at Sarthak Global Resource Centre, focusing on topics like behavior modification, project management, and practical therapy sessions.
    • •   Therapy Sessions: Ongoing therapy sessions have been initiated in multiple centers, with continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure effectiveness.


    The Ek Prayas project is already making significant strides in enhancing the capabilities of partner NGOs and improving the lives of children with developmental disabilities. By providing the necessary tools, training, and support, Sarthak and IDFC First Bank are working together to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for these children, ensuring they have the best possible start in life.

    This project aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, by ensuring that all children, regardless of their background or abilities, have access to the services they need to thrive.

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