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    Sarthak Educational Trust | Empowering The Differently Abled

    Sarthak ke Anmol Rattan


    It is our pleasure to introduce 'Sarthak Ke Anmol Rattan'- series for our decade old alumni. Ever since our alumni have learnt to comprehend the world with their disability, a prominent part of their lives has been through the teachings of Sarthak Educational Trust. Some of them were good at communication, some recognized their potential in computers, but one thing that was common in them, was the spirit of never giving up. Their relentless motivation to work and learn new disciplines inspired many. They have helped Sarthak to grow and connect more. We take this moment to capture their beautiful 10-year-old life changing experiences at Sarthak Educational Trust. We earnestly look forward to their continuing involvement in the coming years as we march ahead in unison.


    Sarthak ke Anmol Rattan
    Sarthak ke Anmol Rattan
    Episode 1

    Jyoti Singh OH Lucknow ...

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    Success Stories

    He is a fun-loving warm person who loves to sing, search for latest gadgets in the market and spend time with family. Mr. Arun Kumar completed his schooling from DPS, RK Puram and then further went on to complete his schooling from Utras Vidyalaya. He further went to study from Indira Gandhi University. Being a Visually impaired person, he had to face major challenges with mobility. He became more aware through National association for the blind and elevated his skills. While he was associated with NAB, he got to know about Sarthak and their skill and employment programs.

    His first encounter with Dr. Jitender was during his days in Jamia Hamdard University where he was pursuing a course named as New Economy skills. Dr. Jitender guided him for learning the medical transcription at Sarthak

    He enrolled himself in Sarthak and he learnt a lot during the 6 months of his medical transcription training. Being a sincere person that he is, he soon started volunteering for Sarthak programs. He gave 21 interviews, as daunting it may seem he did not give up and secured himself a position in tech Mahindra. His sheer hardwork and Sarthak’s continuous motivation made him believe in self. It was all possible through Sarthak’s planned modules and training sessions with the help of trainers.

    Arun's message to the persons with Disability

    "Through personal experiences I have learnt that education and awareness are important tools to do anything in life. Being a person with disability can bring a set of challenges but You need to get out of your shell, explore the world, meet people who have made it big and take inspiration that I, as an individual can also do it. Always try your best to reach out to gather Information. Sarthak has led me to a path of light and power, many organizations are working to hone skills for the persons with disability, but a few like Sarthak truly works on the employment model and makes sure that their candidates are emotionally and financially strong. I can never be thankful enough to what Sarthak has done for me."

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    Mr. Arun

    Data Analyst

    Everyone’s story is different, some might be completely comfortable with their disability whilst others might be on the complete opposite end of the scale but either way, it is difficult to accept any kind of disability. We have Mr. Hari Narayan, Sarthak’s 10- year-old Alumni who took big leaps to achieve his dreams. Mr. Hari completed his schooling from Mount Carmel School and further went on to pursue his graduation from University of Delhi. There was an atmosphere of camaraderie in both school and college but he had to face a lot of challenges because of his visual impairment post college for employability.

    It was during his struggle days for employment that his dear friend introduced him to Sarthak’s model of skill development and Employment. He soon enrolled himself in the new Medical Transcription course that Sarthak offered during those days. It was challenging since he was from a non-medical background but with Sarthak’s planned modules and relentless motivation of trainers, he could do justice with whatever was taught to him. The reason he enrolled himself in Sarthak was because of its employment model where people at Sarthak are determined to empower people with disability. His first recruitment through Sarthak was in V.G.S in Delhi, Shahpur, marking his first milestone. He felt that Sarthak is his safe haven where things like mobility, communication and access to information are prevalent. He is currently working in Saksham an NGO, where he recently completed 10 years of his tenure. He lives in a happy family of 6. Apart from his routine and work he loves to listen to music and spend time with friends.

    He enrolled himself in Sarthak and he learnt a lot during the 6 months of his medical transcription training. Being a sincere person that he is, he soon started volunteering for Sarthak programs. He gave 21 interviews, as daunting it may seem he did not give up and secured himself a position in tech Mahindra. His sheer hardwork and Sarthak’s continuous motivation made him believe in self. It was all possible through Sarthak’s planned modules and training sessions with the help of trainers.

    Hari Narayan's message to persons with disability

    "“Disability can leave some people feeling anxious, broken, lonely and scared, I say this because I’ve felt all of the above for myself and these emotions have made me feel like giving up on the positives, thinking that they weren’t as prominent as the negatives—but that is not always true because the organizations like Sarthak educational trust that are working day and night to empower persons with disability. I as individual feel grateful to have met Dr. Jitender and being guided in his imminent presence was a gift to my life that I will forever cherish"

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    Mr. Hari Narayan

    Probationary Officer

    Discovering your passion can potentially be invaluable, it gives you the opportunity to express who you really are and show that to others. It can be even more difficult for people with disability. Mr. Raman is a Visually Impaired alumnus of Sarthak. Mr. Raman faced challenges and honed his potentials in life to achieve his dreams. He grew up with a very lovable family, who supported him through all the endeavors of life. He completed his schooling from Blind school Association and pursued his further studies from Hindu college, University of Delhi.

    Lack of awareness of English language added more to the bag of insecurities and fear. It was his friend during computer training days that he found out about Sarthak. He was initially provided training in basic computers, English and soft skills and then, based on his interest and progress mapping, he was screened for sector specific training. During the training, various exposure visits he got recruited in V.G. S. and marked his initial steps.

    He is currently working in Magic software an e-learning organization in Noida. He is an independent, fun loving person who loves to explore different tools of research in education sector. One of his encounters with a local shopkeeper left him baffled when he was ridiculed him for not being to work on a computer but he left no stone unturned and transformed his fears into his dreams.

    Raman's message for people with disability

    "Having a well-established network has become an important part of our lives. The easiest way to expand your network is to build on the relationships with people you know; family, friends, classmates, colleagues and acquaintance’s. This can be tough for people with disability but this truly makes all the difference. Sarthak was that network for me. Sarthak is a perfect platform for skill building, networking with motivating people and getting an employment. I highly recommend Sarthak for people with disability, who are finding it difficult to shed off their inhibitions"

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    Mr. Raman Bhanot

    Senior consultant

    There is always an alternative way to getting to where you want to be in life. If one road leads to a dead end, find another one and follow it until you reach where you want to be. Mr. Yogesh Chabra is a Visually Impaired candidate of Sarthak. He was hopeful for his actions and hard work and thus took the road he wanted to walk. This zealous and curious personality is truly successful in forming a beautiful world of his own. He completed his schooling from Delhi Public school. He comes from a beautiful family of 5.

    He has always been around supportive friends. However, life with disability has been full of challenges for him. After having completed his computer training sessions with National Association for Blind, he was introduced to Sarthak by a family friend.

    His first encounter with Dr. Jitender was during his days in Jamia Hamdard University where he was pursuing a course named as New Economy skills. Dr. Jitender guided him for learning the medical transcription at Sarthak

    He enrolled himself in Sarthak and he learnt a lot during the 6 months of his medical transcription training. Being a sincere person that he is, he soon started volunteering for Sarthak programs. He gave 21 interviews, as daunting it may seem he did not give up and secured himself a position in tech Mahindra. His sheer hardwork and Sarthak’s continuous motivation made him believe in self. It was all possible through Sarthak’s planned modules and training sessions with the help of trainers.

    Arun’s message to the persons with Disability

    "Through personal experiences I have learnt that education and awareness are important tools to do anything in life. Being a person with disability can bring a set of challenges but You need to get out of your shell, explore the world, meet people who have made it big and take inspiration that I, as an individual can also do it. Always try your best to reach out to gather Information. Sarthak has led me to a path of light and power, many organizations are working to hone skills for the persons with disability, but a few like Sarthak truly works on the employment model and makes sure that their candidates are emotionally and financially strong. I can never be thankful enough to what Sarthak has done for me."

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    Mr. Yogesh Chabra

    Probationary Officer

    Rinku was born in Shah Ganj, Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh in 1986 and later moved to Delhi with his family, when his father decided to open up an artificial jewellery store in Kalyanpuri. Born with full vision, Rinku led a very normal lifestyle till the age of 7, until his retina started deteriorating and damaging his vision. Upon the advice of local doctors, he was taken to AIIMS but eventually, after prolonged treatment, ended up losing his total eyesight.

    In 2008-2009, he lost his parents and was abandoned by his own brother. He was totally dejected, hopeless and was beginning to resign from life, when in 2010 he arrived at Sarthak. Sarthak extended its wide and long arms to support him. Rinku was trained in a new fashion to go through everyday performance.

    At Sarthak, he was constantly supported to transform his older ways into new beautiful ways that would get very well with the world around him. He got trained to hone his skills and acquire new ones to become employable. In the process, Sarthak ensured that Rinku developed his language and his confidence to be feel motivated to achieve what is destined for him.

    Rinku eventually got recruited to Max hospital and lives a very normal seamless life. He has learnt to not let disability hamper his idea of a happy life. Sarthak has shouldered the pain and responsibilities of disabled people like Rinku and helped them feel included in the society again. Sarthak has pioneered some of the best steps taken to ensure inclusivity of the persons with disability and it always promises to stay alongside those who arrive at their doorstep in distress.

    Rinku's message for the Persons with Disability

    "I as an individual would like to urge everyone who feel disadvantaged due to their disability, to take help from Sarthak Educational Trust and give their dreams an upsurge. "


    Mr. Rinku Soni

    Head of Operations

    Rashid is Sarthak’s 10-year-old alumni. He hails from Sangam Vihar, New Delhi. He had a traumatic childhood. Apart from the trauma of the mishap, the surgical treatments that Rashid had to go through were also quite life threatening. After sometime, orientation and mobility became critical areas of concern for him as it was essential for him to learn to move as independently as possible. He studied in NAB and met multi-talented people from all walks of life.

    It was then that he came to know about Sarthak, in the very initial days of his battle with disability, and decided to approach Sarthak to seek help regarding his employment opportunities. Since Sarthak believes in the all-round development and empowerment of individuals with disabilities, they took Rashid under their wings and trained him day and after to fit various job profiles and also go through the hurdles of everyday life easily. Mr. Jitender, along with other trainers at Sarthak, never left his side and assisted him through his journey of unlearning and relearning the ways of life and become independent by all means.

    After his training at Sarthak, he got recruited to Speed Infotech, which was an ultimate sign of growth, development and a bright future. Currently, Mr. Rashid works in Punjab National Bank, Okhla, New Delhi and leads a healthy and happy life. He continuously credits Sarthak and their efforts in helping him embrace himself and live a life of social, physical and mental dignity. Not only is Rashid now capable of providing his livelihood and doing everyday chores, he has also found unprecedented joy in learning new things around him. At Sarthak he found and sharpened the perfect tools required to express, emote and describe a myriad of emotions he lives every day to get by a life of such hardships.

    Rashid's message for People with Disability

    "Education is the most important tool in life. It has made me feel empowered at all points of life. Sarthak made me realise the importance of education and gave me wings to fulfil, what I envisioned for myself."

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    Mr. Rashid Hassan

    Probationary Officer

    Rajat, visually impaired alumni hails from Karnal, Haryana. By the time he was 6 months old, he had to go through two major eye operations due to increasing cataract but unfortunately nothing worked for him, causing 75% disability in his eyes. This did little to quell his ambitions. He soon calmed his nerves and transitioned to Delhi for a firm future. He completed his initial years of education from blind school, Delhi and then further went on to study from R.K Puram School, following which he also completed his bachelors from Open School in Delhi University.

    He often asked of what matters the most to him, the answers he got were empowering and sometimes deliberating but he never lost his zest to make it big. Although, this is not a highly unusual scenario, but what sets Rajat apart from others is the vision he carries inside.

    One encounter with Sarthak Educational Trust enthused Rajat with the motivation and vigour he needed to start something new with a completely different perspective. He met Dr. Jitender Aggarwal, Founder, CEO of Sarthak Educational Trust who paved his path. With proper guidance and mentorship of Sarthak trainers and Dr. Jitender himself, he completed the Medical Transcription Course and got placed in a small company called Vanigar Technology with a remuneration of INR 6K per month.

    He never judged a book by its cover and did every task with utmost sincerity. With years, he developed a skill set, honed his capabilities and built a persona that got him placed as an office assistant in Patel Chest with a CTC of INR 40K.

    Rajat's message for People with Disability

    "No job is small or big, one must have a lens to grab opportunities and make the most of it. Life is not easy with disability but with perseverance everything is possible. Don’t be afraid to take help and make connections because the world is full of hope. I truly believe that Sarthak Educational Trust has been lucky for me and I owe a big part of my life to it."

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    Mr. Rajat

    Mr. Rajat

    Life is seldom fair and has its share of ups and downs. But then again, life is also what you make of it. You can choose the lens you want to look at life through, and sometimes even the most helpless of situations appear cheerful if you happen to look at it that way. This is what Gufran, Sarthak’s decade old alumni truly believes in. Gufran, hails from Kolkata and has 100% disability in eyes. He had a smooth schooling from National Association for the Blind in Delhi and further went on to study Bachelors from Indira Gandhi National University.

    He made great friends and learnt to be independent from them. He didn’t have a lot of money, but was keen to develop a detailed lens of the world around him. In 2009, his lucky encounter with Sarthak changed his life and made him believe in himself. The Medical Transcription Course at Sarthak boosted his confidence and helped him get placed in Intele Soft tech. The trainers at Sarthak recognised his potentials and polished his skill set to make him financially and emotionally independent.

    As years passed by, Gufran learnt the difficult ways of life and got a job in State Bank of India as an Assistant Manager with the CTC of INR 40K. When we Interviewed Gufran about his struggles, he said that "as long as I have dreams inside, everything is good to go"

    Gufran's message for People with Disability

    "Sarthak has been a small family to me that has truly been special. It has taught me that life is beautiful, if you want it to be, keep brushing up your skills and keep yourself motivated to take up any challenge that comes your way."

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    Mr. Gufran

    Assistant Manager
    Mr. Gufran

    Sachin is an orthopedic alumnus from Sarthak Educational Trust who hails from Delhi. His parents reached out to provide him with the best education possible. Although he has always been a bright and enthusiastic but his disability barred him into exploring more around him. He with the help of family and friends completed his bachelors from School of Open learning and further did masters in Hindi from Rajdhani college.

    His encounter with Sarthak was after his visit to Vikaspuri Aasra in 2010. After then he enrolled himself in the training program. Sachin received training in all the developmental areas like motor skills, communication, orientation & mobility, activities of daily living etc and has come a long way leaving behind the traumatic experiences of early childhood.

    His journey has been very transformational. He is currently working in BSES as a Computer Operator, drawing a salary of INR 36,000. He extends his deepest regards for Sarthak.

    Sachin's message for People with Disability

    "Once you can accept and understand your situation, then you can begin to make changes, seek help and look forward to the future. An important step to start to accept your disability is to talk to someone who will listen to you. For me, that ‘someone’ was Sarthak. Sarthak has given me a new lens and I consider myself lucky enough to have crossed paths with Sarthak."

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    Mr. Sachin

    Mr. Sachin

    He is a fun-loving warm person who loves to sing, search for latest gadgets in the market and spend time with family. Mr. Arun Kumar completed his schooling from DPS, RK Puram and then further went on to complete his schooling from Utras Vidyalaya. He further went to study from Indira Gandhi University. Being a Visually impaired person, he had to face major challenges with mobility. He became more aware through National association for the blind and elevated his skills. While he was associated with NAB, he got to know about Sarthak and their skill and employment programs.

    His first encounter with Dr. Jitender was during his days in Jamia Hamdard University where he was pursuing a course named as New Economy skills. Dr. Jitender guided him for learning the medical transcription at Sarthak

    He enrolled himself in Sarthak and he learnt a lot during the 6 months of his medical transcription training. Being a sincere person that he is, he soon started volunteering for Sarthak programs. He gave 21 interviews, as daunting it may seem he did not give up and secured himself a position in tech Mahindra. His sheer hardwork and Sarthak’s continuous motivation made him believe in self. It was all possible through Sarthak’s planned modules and training sessions with the help of trainers.

    Arun's message to the persons with Disability

    "Through personal experiences I have learnt that education and awareness are important tools to do anything in life. Being a person with disability can bring a set of challenges but You need to get out of your shell, explore the world, meet people who have made it big and take inspiration that I, as an individual can also do it. Always try your best to reach out to gather Information. Sarthak has led me to a path of light and power, many organizations are working to hone skills for the persons with disability, but a few like Sarthak truly works on the employment model and makes sure that their candidates are emotionally and financially strong. I can never be thankful enough to what Sarthak has done for me."


    Mr. Arun sf

    Data Analyst

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