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    Sarthak Educational Trust | Empowering The Differently Abled

    Disability Information Portal

    Scheme Name -

    1. Scheme of National Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities
    2. 3% reservation in govt / govt aided institutes
    3. Comprehensive Education Scheme for Disabled Children
    4. Integrated Education for the Disabled in the Secondary Stage.
    5. SSA - Sarva Shiksha Abhyan
    6. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhyan (RMSA)

    The scheme aims to include children with special needs in every govt / govt aided institute.

    Students with disabilities are provided three per cent reservation in seats in government and government aided educational institutes.


    The scheme aims to provide barrier free education to people with special needs and support thei education in all possible ways.

    The scheme provides for accessible and barrier free built-in infrastructure and transport facilities, supply of books, uniforms and stationery, specialised learning aids and scholarships for students with disabilities. Other provisions in the scheme include exemption from mathematics and pictoral questions for visually impaired students, use of scribes / readers for students with visual impairment / orthopaedic disabilities / learning disabilities, extra time in examinations for disabled students, exemption from third language and modification of curriculum to facilitate inclusive education.


    The Centrally Sponsored I.E.D.S.S. Scheme aims to enable all students with disabilities completing eight years of elementary schooling an opportunity to complete four years of secondary schooling (classes IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment; provide educational opportunities and facilities to students with disabilities in the general education system at the secondary level (classes IX to XII); and support the training of general school teachers to meet the needs of children with disabilities at the secondary level.

    This scheme supports children with disabilities aged 14 or above for completing their secondary education from Class 9 to Class 12 in government, local body and government aided schools. The scheme provides for identification of children with disabilities moving from elementary school to secondary and providing them with aids and appliances for their disabilities, access to learning material, transport facilities, hostel facilities, scholarships, books, assistive technologies and provision of scribes and readers.


    SSA's core objective is to attain UEE in the Country. Its overall goals include universal access and retention, bridging of gender and social category gaps in education and enhancement of learning levels of Children.

    SSA is a flagship central scheme that provides for free and compulsory education for children in the age group of six to 14 years including coverage of children with special needs under special focus groups. SSA will ensure that children with disabilities are provided education in appropriate environment and will adopt a zero rejection policy that will ensure that no child is left out of the education system.


    This scheme was launched in March, 2009 with the objective to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality. 

    RMSA aims to enhance access to secondary education and improve its quality. This scheme subsumes the earlier Integrated Education for the Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS)[5] scheme under its umbrella and supports children with disabilities aged 14 or above for completing their secondary education from Class 9 to Class 12 in government, local body and government aided schools.

    The scheme provides for identification of children with disabilities moving from elementary school to secondary and providing them with aids and appliances for their disabilities, access to learning material, transport facilities, hostel facilities, scholarships, books, assistive technologies and provision of scribes and readers.


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