Sarthak Educational Trust Response to COVID-19

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    Sarthak Educational Trust | Empowering The Differently Abled

    CSR Roadmap for upscaling disability ecosystem

    Date: September 25, 2020
    Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 Noon

    The webinar would be a dialogue between CEOs/CSR & sustainability heads to ponder upon required initiatives to embark future roadmap for disability sector considering the present scenario of COVID 19.

    The discussion would be revolved around:

    • • Need of accessible technology for people with disability in all belts of India (Urban/Rural/Tribal) to access the applications/products developed so far for PwDs.
    • • Rethinking on developing structured heath strategy for framing guidelines in Early Intervention Services.
    • • Focused and dedicated CSR fund for making online education, accessible and Inclusive.
    • • Skilling and Re-skilling of Individuals to make them adaptable for new normal corporate culture.
    • • Empowering rural India by providing ample opportunities under self-employment vertical.
    • • Capacity building of grassroot champions (civil society organizations) to ensure implementation of online technologies on ground.
    • • Empowering and Scaling up Individual talents representing India on International grounds through Abilympics.


    • • Padma Bhushan Dr. MB Athreya, Phd Harvard, Sarthak Mentor
    • • Atul Bhatnagar, Former COO, NSDC
    • • Rajashree Natarajan CEO, Cognizant Foundation
    • • Sharmeen Kutky, VP Corporate citizenship - India CSR Head, Credit Suisse
    • • Lt. Gen. S. M. Mehta (Retd), AVSM, SM, VSM**, CEO, The Hans Foundation
    • • Anurag Pratap, Senior Director & Head – CSR, Capgemini
    • • Dr. Jitender Aggarwal, Founder CEO, Sarthak Educational Trust


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