Sarthak Educational Trust Response to COVID-19

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    Sarthak Educational Trust | Empowering The Differently Abled

    Stories of Impact

    A story of Change - Sagar Sopan

    Locomotor Disability

    Sagar is a 31 years old and has a Locomotor Disability in one arm & one leg. But he was not disabled by birth. He used to go to school & his mother used to pick & drop him till the door steps.

    One day while walking on the street he was crossing the road & suddenly one car hit him very badly, and this road accident turned into a nightmare for Sagar because he lost his movements in one arm & one leg which was very painful for him.

    He didn’t wish to live after this accident, but he got his family’s support and motivation & slowly his life came on the track, he started going school again but this time he was not like other children he met before.

    His favourite outdoor game was football but due to his disability he wasn’t able to play anymore. His life was totally changed after this road accident, but he never lost hope & he completed his higher studies with flying colours.

    After his studies he was in search of a job but getting a job was not easy for him. Still he applied whenever and wherever he got to know about the vacancies, but still he didn’t get any job. He started losing his hopes about his career. He used to ask questions to himself such as, how you would be able to help your parents. How will you become an independent person? When will you get a job? Etc.

    But one day, he got a call from Sarthak Educational Trust-Thane Centre where he got to know about the 3 months training program. First, he was unable to believe that why would someone help him, give training and will give a job that too for free? A lot of questions were running in his mind but he took time for two days. He searched about Sarthak on Google, Facebook, Instagram, wherever it was possible. Then after searching everything about Sarthak, he registered himself and he started taking 3 months skill building training, where he got to learn Basic Soft skills, Basic English & Basic computers in the initial training period after 1.5months he got training in IT/ITes sector. In which he learned about the job role of a CRM Domestic Voice. Even after getting training in the IT sector, one day he shared about his preference to his trainer that he wants to work in a Retail sector. His trainer didn’t promise him but yes assured him to try their level best for his preferred area.

    Then after the training, with a lot of effort from the Manager of Thane center, he got placed in his preferred sector which was Retail sector. He got selected in Bharat Watch Company as a Store keeper where he is getting 9,000/- Rs. per month salary.

    And today, He is really very happy, proud and thankful to Sarthak Educational Trust for providing him this opportunity.




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